You might be wondering how we are going to handle the sale
procedure at our first Performance in the Pasture Bull Sale this Saturday
(April 6). Here is the run down.
- The bulls are priced according to the price sheet below.
- We will have a board with all of the bulls listed on Saturday with their base price (according to the price sheet below).
- If you want a bull you go put your name/initials, whatever next to that bulls number with your bid on the board. You can also give your bid to the clerk that will manage the bidding board or directly to me (Brock)..
- At 2:30 p.m. we will close bids.
- We will accept phone bids to 573-808-0624 or 573-694-1622.
- If two buyers are interested in the same bull you just bid again on the board or to the clerk. If you have a phone bid and you get outbid we will call you before the bull you are interested in sells at 2:30 pm. You will have the opportunity to raise you bid, if you wish.
We are offering free
delivery on all the bulls, or you can bring a trailer.
The bulls are now at my
parent’s farm, where the sale will take place. You are welcome to view them
anytime. To get directions to the sale location go here:
If you have any questions, please comment, call 573-808-0624
or email
We hope you will join us on Saturday. Brisket, homemade
treats and other food is served at noon or any time after. Stop by. We would
love to show the bulls and our breeding program.